Memoritis - the anatomy of a desire
Kurt d'Haeseleer, 2014
Concept and realisation installation: Kurt d’Haeseleer | Text: Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer | Music: Franck Vigroux (Cie D’Autres Cordes) | Actors: Lieve Matthijs, Yvonne Huenaerts, Betty Gilbert, Lydia Diels, Toni Vandenplas, Doke Dilen, CĂ©dric Denayer, Dirk Butaye, Ursula Coene | Voice accused: Nero Nolson | Actors director jury: Wim Oris (Cie Tartaren) | Technical realisation video-installation: Ief Spincemaille (Werktank) | A coproduction with Behoud de Begeerte and Cie Tartaren, with the support of KUnST Leuven and the Flemish Government, thanks to 30CC Leuven en STUK Leuven
2019 - The Lowry, Manchester (United Kingdom)
2014 - 2 bronnen Library, Leuven (Belgium)
Memoritis is a theatrical video installation by Kurt d’Haeseleer with text by Ilya L. Pfeijffer, inspired on the practice of the anatomical theater. The memory of a anonymous character gets dissected and analyzed by a virtual jury. The judges watch images who seem to come from the memory of the accused and try to find out what crime the central character has committed. They don’t agree about the meaning of these images and wether they match with the actual crime. The judges get stuck in a deadly carousel of procedures and intrigues until all ends in an absurd but deadly endgame.