Vibrant Matter
Els Viaene, 2016
Concept and realisation: Els Viaene / Electronics and programming: Jan Wante / Sound advice: Johan Vandermaelen, Carsten Stabenow / Production: Werktank / In collaboration with: KIKK / With the support of the Flemish authorities and the Cultural Cooperation Agreement between the Flemish and the French Community
2019 - Interstice, Caens (France)
2019 - Le Bon Accueil, Rennes (France)
2018 - Mois Multi, Québec (Canada)
2018 - To Object, Wilde Westen, Kortrijk (Belgium)
2016 - iMal, Brussels (Belgium)
A trip to Iceland forms the origin of this project and research into the relation between, sound, matter and landscape. The extremely contrasting environments all had one thing in common: it seemed like all these places had been frozen in time, as if coagulated in the middle of a metamorphosis.
Looking into processes hidden below the surface, Vibrant Matter explores the relationship between the unfolding landscape and its observer like a time lapse. While the visible environment appears static to the eye, below the surface are continuous and ongoing processes, tensions and movements that can be measured, recorded and articulated through sound.