Aleksandra Naydenova, Amber Macintyre, Cyan D’Anjou, Dorijn Boogaard, Kurina Sohn, 2024
Created by Aleksandra Naydenova, Amber Macintyre,Cyan D’Anjou, Dorijn Boogaard, Kurina Sohn
Production: Werktank & Impakt
Conceived in the framework of CODE 2024, organized by Werktank (Leuven), Impakt (Utrecht), PrivacySalon CPDP (Brussels) and NøSchool (Nevers)
With the support of the Flemish Authorities, Gemeente Utrecht, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie & Stichting DOEN / VriendenLoterij Fonds
Inspired by the Right to be Forgotten legislation, meta:morphosis features a workshop and an interactive installation where participants can explore their digital pasts and learn to reshape online narratives. Audience members will add their own experiences with data by writing on dissolvable soap paper and then putting it into a fountain (like a coin to make a wish). This act allows that piece of information to “be forgotten” or cleansed by way of a ritual.