Hoog Gras/Long Grass
Inne Goris, Dominique Pauwels, Kurt d'Haeseleer & Ief Spincemaille, 2012
Concept: Inne Goris, Kurt d’Haeseleer, Dominique Pauwels & Ief Spincemaille;Regie & idea: Inne Goris;Text: Peter Verhelst;Music, sounddesign & songtexts: Dominique Pauwels;Video: Kurt d’Haeseleer;Scenography & lightdesign: Ief Spincemaille;Costumes: Lieve Meeussen
2013 - Manchester International Festival, Manchester (U.K.)
2012 - Kunstenfestivaldesarts, Brussels (Belgium)
2012 - Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival Groningen, Groningen (The Netherlands)
What if your life was swept away in one fell swoop? Is a killing machine still a child?
In the theatrical video installation “Long Grass”, Inne Goris is inspired by the questions from and dreams and images of child soldiers. Children playing alongside hanged men. What do their stories have to do with us?
Together with visual artist, Kurt d’Haeseleer, and composer, Dominique Pauwels, Goris delves into what such an extreme situation can do to people. What would you do with a knife at your throat? The myth of the innocent child is shattered. The line between perpetrator and victim, killer and child appears surprisingly thin.
“Long Grass” is a confrontation with your own darker side.