de berg die tot de hemel reikt
Various artists, 2021
Participating artists: Lina Laraki, Leendert Van Accoleyen, Anna Godzina, Jade
Kerremans, Edka Jarzab, Fleur Roggeman, Ena Podgorac, La Chambre Automatique, Pierre Coric
Curator: Pierre Coric
Production: Werktank, with the support of City of Leuven & the Flemish Government
The french poet RenĂ© Daumal died in 1944 at the age of 35, leaving an unfinished book behind: Le Mont Analogue: Roman d’aventures alpines, non euclidiennes et symboliquement authentiques.
This book depicts the quest and ascension of the ultimate symbolic mountain whose feet have to be accessible to humans as nature made them, yet whose summit must be unreachable to any of us. This symbolic yet physical mountain has the role to connect the earth to the sky, to be the axis around which the world revolves.
As this gigantic mountain could be anywhere and is everywhere, we state that during the second edition of Zomertank, a fraction of its roots will be revealed through Leuven as we make visible the door of the invisible and invite the city to gather and stand on its threshold. The foot of de berg die tot de hemel reikt shall be revealed by extraordinary means allowing us to look up and contemplate the feeling arising from its impossible ascension.
something at once extraordinary and absolutely obvious
.A knife is neither true nor false, but the one who grabs it by the blade is wrong.
.Because we are two, everything changes; the task does not become twice as easy, no: from impossible it becomes possible.