A Play of Space I
Elke Van Der Kelen, 2024
Concept & realisation: Elke Van Der Kelen
Robotica & software development: Jan Huygh, Pieter Heremans, KULeuven, Andreas Declerck
Co-production: Werktank, C-Takt, SOAP
With the support of the Flemish Authorities
with special thanks to: GC Platoo, Needcompany, Daan Verzele, Mathieu Feijen
Photo Credits De Brakke Grond: Alex Heuvink
2023 - De Warande, Turnhout (Belgium)
2023 - C-Mine, Genk (Belgium)
2024 - de Brakke Grond, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
A Play of Space I is an installation that connects architecture, movement/theatre and robotics. As humans we often have an unconscious relationship with the spaces that we enter and use. And yet space has quite an impact on the way we move, the way we feel and the way we act. Through the installation, I would like to question this relationship, manipulate and show it. Space itself is something we cannot grasp. It is that what is in between. It is only with the use of that what is surrounding it that we can try to capture it, manipulate it, make it visible.
Imagine ten walls moving very slowly through space. Together they move through different configurations.
A choreography that opens, closes, divides, hides, embraces space. The walls relate to each other and the emptiness that surrounds them. The audience is invited – has no other choice then – to take part in this silent space dance. The public will have to relate again and again to the new space that is slowly unfolding.Sometimes wide and then narrow, sometimes a lot of small spaces or one big space, sometimes chaotic and then again very geometrical. The walls will move independently through space. With the help of an autonomous operating system, the walls will follow a previously designed pattern. By making (discrete) use of robotics it will feel like space is manipulating itself. The installation is looking for slowness and simplicity; the public is invited to meditate in, with and about space.
Watch here a video portrait done by the Brakke Grond about Elke’s practice.