CODE 2024
various artists, 2024
Conceived in the framework of CODE 2024, organized by Werktank (Leuven), Impakt (Utrecht), PrivacySalon CPDP (Brussels) and NøSchool (Nevers)
With the support of the Flemish Authorities, Gemeente Utrecht, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie & Stichting DOEN / VriendenLoterij Fonds
2024 - CODE 2024, Deep Nudes and Digital Oblivion, Utrecht (Netherlands)
CODE 2024: Reclaiming Digital Agency tackles urgent digital challenges head-on, from the Right to Be Forgotten, Deep Nudes and the opacity of machine learning to personal identity and public perception. CODE 2024 looks at technology with a critical but hopeful approach.
The projects realised in 2024:
Inspired by the Right to be Forgotten legislation, meta:morphosis features a workshop and
an interactive installation where participants can
explore their digital pasts and learn to reshape
online narratives. Audience members will add
their own experiences with data by writing on
dissolvable soap paper and then putting it into
a fountain (like a coin to make a wish). This act
allows that piece of information to “be forgotten”
or cleansed by way of a ritual.
Team: Aleksandra Naydenova, Amber Macintyre,Cyan D’Anjou, Dorijn Boogaard, Kurina Sohn
Espresso Exposé is an interactive artwork that shines a light on how AI is increasingly reconfiguring our daily lives. Through interactions with a “coffee recommender” agent, with some unexpected twists, the audience is confronted with the contrast between direct front-end results and opaque back-end processes of machine learning operations. This in turn prompts them to think more deeply about their choice of delegating decision-making to AI.
Team: Mona Hedayati, Wouter Maas, Sander Veenhof
Dual Narratives explores the dichotomy between
personal identity and public perception through
an immersive and interactive media experience.
The installation directly engages participants,
prompting reflection on the nature of digital identity and the impact of social media storytelling.
Team: Christian Schwarz, Colas Fiszman, Marcel Top, Bjørn Erik Haugen
ToyBoi reflects on the patriarchal infrastructure
of Deep Nude technology. Specifically, it refers to
AI tools that are often used to generate non-consensual nude images of women. While these
tools effectively strip women, they often fail to
undress men realistically, resulting in images of
men with deformed genitalia. We present these
failed images on items like lighters and calendars, which traditionally have portrayed naked
women, to generate dialog on the male gaze and
gender-based violence.
Team: Hsiang-Yun Huang, Claudia Oliveira, Lotte Louise de Jong, Gema FB Martín